get accustomed

美 [ɡet əˈkʌstəmd]英 [ɡet əˈkʌstəmd]
  • 开始适应
get accustomedget accustomed
  1. It 'll be fine once you get accustomed to using it .


  2. People get accustomed to thinking recent history is normal .


  3. I must get accustomed to the new job as soon as possible .


  4. It took me six months to get accustomed to the climate .


  5. You will soon get accustomed to the climate here .


  6. You get accustomed to sights like that after a while .


  7. You 'll soon get accustomed to cold weather .


  8. You just can get accustomed to the electric typewriter fast very much .


  9. Nowadays people seem to get accustomed to various kinds of foods rather than only one food .


  10. It takes time for a freshman to fully get accustomed to the new life style in college .


  11. Eg. I get accustomed to working inside the room of noise and excitement .


  12. Jane 's mom is afraid that Jane can not get accustomed to the new life .


  13. We will move on to next phase soon , you all should get accustomed to it quickly .


  14. Worse they may find that they can hardly get accustomed to and blend into the local culture .


  15. You will learn to look straight ahead as you get accustomed in doing this trick .


  16. With the booming internal and external economy , the management in the company is being adjusted to get accustomed to the business development .


  17. This will help your body get accustomed to a routine , which can make your sleep at night a bit deeper .


  18. If you can get accustomed to prefixing all element names everywhere , you avoid some pitfalls .


  19. However , there were still some students who did not get accustomed to this kind of learning style , but tended to learn individually .


  20. If you want to install it on an actual machine , I suggest you go through the motions in order to get accustomed to it .


  21. Dear Manager , I 've just received your e-mail and it won 't take a long time before we get accustomed to your new shop hours .


  22. The Web Application pattern type includes several sample application patterns that are ready to deploy so that you can get accustomed to virtual application patterns and their behavior .


  23. A crowd of wicked naked girls get accustomed to so-called being learned , as well as the hatred of being sacred .


  24. Sometime you have to push quite hard for your musical ideas , it may take quite some time for a filmmaker to get accustomed to them .


  25. And how to deal with the relationship between Chinese culture and western culture relates to the issue of how to get accustomed to the modernization and globalization for the Chinese people .


  26. Though Twitter has brought out an accelerating set of improvements over the last year , it remains a punishingly difficult service to get accustomed to and use .


  27. In lead workers , particularly is in the youth worker , many are alcohol user . It was reported that 90 % contact persons of lead get accustomed to drink wine .


  28. My eyes cannot get accustomed to the computer screen for nearly10hs each day , which also makes the discs I brought to SH lying in my luggage case up to now .


  29. Moreover , Beijing 's winter is far too much colder than that of Guangzhou , it might take Joey , as many other people came from the South , a very long time to get accustomed to .


  30. The old man stared for a moment at his son , and a forced smile revealed the loss of a tooth , to which Prince Andrey could not get accustomed , in his face .
